super maali

"Breathing toxic air is equivalent to smoking atleast 10 cigarettes a day "


Beat the Air Pollutions Inside Your Homes

super maali

Transform​ Your Urban Space into Green Space

After Super Maali Before Super Maali

Super Maali

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सुपर माली

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Floating Bubbles
Piyush Gupta, Super Maali
Mr. Piyush Gupta
Co-Founder & Director, Super Maali

A Message from the Director

As the world is nearing towards an unprecedented ecological crisis, the need for green infrastructure has never been more important. In this period of rapid urbanisation and busy lifestyle, we have forgotton to experience the green vibes which urban gardens can offers.

Our mission at ‘Super Maali’ is to transform all ‘Urban Spaces’ into ‘Green Spaces’ through our uniquely crafted green solutions. Even if you do not have good skills or experience in urban gardening, rely on your one stop solution – the ‘Super Maali’. You just Dream it…We will do it.

 Read more…

Ashutosh Gupta Super maali
Mr. Ashutosh Gupta
Co-Founder & Director(Operations), Super Maali

A Message from the Director (Operations)

Dear Friends and Gardening Enthusiasts,

Welcome to SuperMaali, where we celebrate the beauty and serenity that gardening brings to our lives. As the Director of Operations, I take immense pride in our mission to transform your home into a lush sanctuary, a place where nature’s tranquility meets innovative gardening solutions.

Our journey began with a simple yet profound belief: that every space has the potential to flourish into a vibrant oasis, reflecting the unique essence and personality of its caretaker. At SuperMaali, we are more than just a service; we are your partners in this delightful journey of transformation. Read more…



What is Super Maali?

Super Maali is a pioneering startup dedicated to transforming urban spaces into green sanctuaries. Our mission is to enhance the quality of urban life by introducing lush, sustainable greenery into the concrete landscapes of our cities. We specialize in designing, implementing, and maintaining a variety of green spaces, from small urban gardens to large-scale landscaping projects.

Where does Super Maali operate?

Currently, Super Maali operates exclusively in Lucknow, offering our green services to individuals, communities, and businesses within the city. We are deeply committed to enriching our local environment and community through our urban greening initiatives.

Do you plan to expand your services beyond Lucknow?

Yes! While we are currently focused on making a significant impact in Lucknow, we have ambitious plans to expand our services across the entire state of Uttar Pradesh and eventually throughout India. Our vision is to bring the benefits of urban greening to as many people as possible, fostering healthier, more sustainable cities nationwide.

What services does Super Maali offer?

Super Maali offers a comprehensive range of urban greening services, including:

  • Custom garden design and landscaping
  • Installation of green roofs and walls
  • Maintenance of existing green spaces
  • Consultation services for sustainable urban development
  • Community greening projects and workshops
How can I get Super Maali to work on my project?

If you’re in Lucknow and interested in our services, you can reach out to us through our website or contact us directly via phone or email. We’ll arrange a consultation to discuss your needs, preferences, and the scope of your project. Together, we’ll work towards creating a greener, more vibrant urban space that meets your expectations.

Why is urban greening important?

Urban greening plays a crucial role in improving the environmental quality and livability of cities. Benefits include reducing air pollution, mitigating urban heat islands, enhancing biodiversity, and providing peaceful green spaces for residents to relax and connect with nature. By integrating greenery into urban areas, we contribute to healthier, more sustainable communities.

What sustainability practices does Super Maali follow?

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We employ a range of practices to ensure our projects are environmentally friendly, including:

  • Using native and drought-resistant plants to reduce water usage.
  • Implementing organic gardening practices and avoiding chemical pesticides and fertilizers.
  • Promoting biodiversity by selecting a variety of plants that support local wildlife.
  • Utilizing rainwater harvesting and eco-friendly materials wherever possible.
How does Super Maali ensure the longevity of its projects?

Our commitment to each project extends beyond the installation phase. We offer ongoing maintenance services to ensure that the green spaces we create thrive over time. This includes regular check-ups, pruning, pest management, and seasonal adjustments as necessary. We also provide our clients with guidance on caring for their green spaces to ensure they remain vibrant and healthy.

How can I learn more about urban greening and sustainability?

Super Maali offers workshops and seminars on a variety of topics related to urban greening and sustainability. These educational events are designed for all skill levels, from beginners to advanced gardeners, and cover subjects like sustainable gardening practices, DIY urban gardening projects, and the importance of biodiversity. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for upcoming events.

How can I stay updated on Super Maali's projects and news?

To stay updated on our latest projects, expansion plans, and community events, follow us on social media, subscribe to our newsletter, or regularly visit our blog. We love sharing our journey and the impact of our work with our supporters and the wider community.

How does Super Maali choose the right plants and designs for each project?

Our process begins with a thorough consultation to understand the specific conditions of each site and the preferences of our clients. Factors such as local climate, soil type, sunlight exposure, and water availability are considered. Our team of experts then curates plant selections and design plans that not only meet the aesthetic and functional requirements of the space but also promote ecological sustainability and biodiversity.

Does Super Maali offer solutions for businesses and corporate clients?

Yes, we work with businesses of all sizes to create greener work environments. This includes landscaping for corporate campuses, green walls and rooftops for offices, and indoor plant installations for workspaces. We believe that integrating nature into the workplace can boost employee well-being, productivity, and creativity, while also contributing to corporate sustainability goals.

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